potential box

英 [pəˈtenʃl bɒks] 美 [pəˈtenʃl bɑːks]




  1. If there is a new meltdown in movie narratives, it may be one that pours two different but complementary avenues of potential box office gold.
  2. A wide-neighborhood primal-dual interior-point algorithm based on reduced potential function for convex quadratic programming with box constrains
  3. SFA tracks the flows of specific substances ( e.g., elements or compounds), often with the intent of identifying environmental problems and seeking for potential solutions, while MFA usually regards economic system as a black box and analyzes its material throughput.
  4. Based on the analyses of potential human capital and actual human capital, we get a black box between education, on-the-job training and human capital.
  5. Potential Energy Principle and Calculation about Stability of Opening Thin Plate in Box Tower
  6. QR method, based on cubic B spline function and the principle of minimum total potential energy, for analysis of the continuous box girder bridges is presented.
  7. Simulation of Electronic Ground Energy and Chemical Potential of Box Quantum Dot
  8. The governing differential equations and boundary conditions considering multi-parameters and shear deformation of thin walled box girders are established by minimum potential energy principle to analyze the shear lag effect, which set the foundation of theoretical analysis of shear lag effect in thin walled box girders by multi-parameter.
  9. Potential Role and Mechanism of High Mobility Group Box 1 Protein in Macrophage-and Lymphocyte-Mediated Immunity in Mice and Effect of Escharectomy During Shock Stage on Systemic as Well as Intestinal Immune Function in Thermally Injured Rats
  10. Nowadays, hydraulic transmission gear box are widely used in oil machinery industry in China and there is a large potential market for the maintenance of hydraulic transmission gear box.
  11. To begin with, dynamics simulation analysis research is conducted. Then, the improvement methods of potential weakness are put forward based on analysis results. At last, resonance analysis of the whole wind power gear box system is carried out.